Nytt Mechwarrior

Startat av Den Gamle, september 24, 2009, 01.39

Föregående ämne - Nästa ämne

Den Gamle

"My center is giving away, my right is pushed back, situation excellent, I am attacking."
Marshal Ferdinand Foch in message to HQ, Marne 1914


är lite nyfiken på när dom skall släppa fyran
Suffering from Knight in Shining Armor syndrome and proud of it!

"We put poisons in our water and air to weed out the weak! We detonate fission bombs in our only biosphere! We nailed our god to a stick! Don't fuck with the human race!"
- attributed to General Nikolai Nikolai at a galactic summit


Det har hänt lite med grafiken sen senast det begav sig.  :shock:

Kommer införskaffas utan tvekan!


Martin Larsson

Det där har nog helt klart potential :D
When one person is delusional it's called insanity
When millions are delusional it's called religion

"Never argue with an idiot. They will drag you down to their level and beat you with experience" ㅡ Mark Twain.

Gustaf Eklund

Glory to Menoth! Death to the infidels!