
Startat av Robin, juni 03, 2005, 18.40

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Justin Achilles, fd anställd på White Wolf och huvudansvarig för att ha fört spelet Vampire the Masquerade i graven för ett par år sedan har utvecklat ett nytt spel på sin blog (

Braveheart the Drinkinggame

"Making a drinking game to play while watching Braveheart is really difficult. It's hard to come up with a motivator that doesn't result in the player being viciously inebriated immediately. The motivator can't be "Any time someone is filthy, take a drink." Everyone playing would be dead eight minutes into the movie. The same goes for "Any time a guy is all covered in gnarly blood, take a drink." Likewise, you can't use the motivator, "Any time something freakin' awesome happens, take a drink." You'd be buzzed from the moment Argyle shows up and hucking by the time Braveheart busts Hamish in the grill with a rock.

One of my favorite parts of the movie is when adult Braveheart returns to his Scottish village of Craptown after studying under his uncle and he goes right back to the old homestead he left behind 15 years ago or whatever. Everyone's older and the village has obviously grown (because the wedding festival is pretty big), but nobody moved into Braveheart's old house. It's just sitting there, waiting for his homecoming. It's like, in the whole 15 years he was gone, new people came to town and tried to move into his hovel but all the other dudes in town were all, "Seriously, don't move into Braveheart's house. He's going to come back, and when he does, if he finds you there... just don't do it." And those new villagers were all "Dang, thanks," and built their own mud huts in a different part of Craptown.

It's also insanely awesome that when Braveheart goes to the wedding festival (in the muddy field), Murron sees him and knows immediately that he's Braveheart from the moment he shows up. How does she know? She knows because he's Braveheart. It's the power of legend. If he was some other guy, like just a dude named Seamus, she'd never even remember handing him a tumbleweed when the Swedes chopped his dad's face off. But he's not Seamus, is he? Hell, no. Instead, it's, "Here's your thistle back. Now let's get married. Hang on, I have to kill every Englishman alive." Braveheart's love is so fierce that it's better for Murron to die than to be his wife. He has too much love for just one woman. His love blows her apart (represented in the film by the magistrate cutting her throat).

So maybe that's the key. Maybe anytime the reputation for Braveheart's hella awesomeness precedes him, you take a drink. You'd drink when he comes back for the first time (as explained above) and you'd drink when Murron's dad is all, "Forget it and stay off my daughter. You're going to kick some dudes' asses in about nine minutes and we're all going to pay for it." And when Braveheart's talking to the assembled Scottish armies and has to actually remind people that he's human because his legend has grown to the point that people believe he's a seven-foot-tall maniac who shoots bolts of lightning from his junk. Or after Robert the Bruce (#17) betrays him and Braveheart finds out and the Bruce squeals like a girl because he knows he's going to get a claymore through the skull and junk-lightning in the spine. Or when the assembled Scottish lords are all squabbling over each other and want Braveheart to join their side but instead of picking one of their petty feuds to champion, he just blows it all off.

Okay, so that's what it's going to be then. Drink any time Braveheart's reputation manifests before he goes berserk. He's doesn't have to follow through on it (but you know he will), people just have to react to his presence or the potential of his presence.

Please give your playtest feedback in the comments section."
"I've made characters for games you've never heard of, and I've never played!"
"The road to hell is paved with randomly-generated content."
"Chaotic Neutral means never having to say you're sorry."


OK, cool, när spelar vi? :drunken: :bounce:  :pukeleft:  :pukeright:  :brave: :bootyshake: :hello1:
Jag KUNG, du KOBOLD...


Här är ett annat roligt spel på en någorlunda känd filmserie
(känner en som klarat alla tre filmerna... tog runt 12 försök)

To play the Star Wars Drinking Game, you will need:

The Star Wars Trilogy (one movie for a short game)
An ample supply of your favorite beverage.
A really good sound system, so the explosions seem to happen all around you. Kapow! (optional)

Begin by inserting your weatherbeaten "Star Wars" videotape into the big slot on your VCR. Dim the lights for dramatic effect, and play the tape. The game begins right as "20th Century Fox" appears on the screen.

Once the game has begun, you watch the movie for the listed events. Every time one of them occurs, everybody takes a sip of their drink.

Drink when:
Someone has a bad feeling about this.
It's their only hope.
An entire planet is described as having one climate.
Somebody gets choked.
A woman other than Leia is on screen
An old Jedi starts to ramble about the Force. (Vader counts.)
Somebody's hand gets cut off.
A gigantic technological marvel explodes in a single blast.
There is a tremor in the Force.
It's not someone's fault
One or more heroes are almost eaten by a Thing
A Jedi is much more powerful than he looks
Someone exclaims "No!"
Someone does something apparently suicidal that turns out to be a good idea
Twice if it's not Han
Someone wears the same outfit in all three movies--it counts if they change at the end
Someone is mind-controled using the Force
People kiss
A good guy wears white or a bad guy wears black
Twice if a bad guy wears white and a good guy wears black (for uniforms, only the first person on screen counts)
Three times if someone hovering in between wears gray
Every time you find yourself talking to the people on screen
An elaborately made up alien has no lines
Someone or something tries to get money from Han
Some ship crashes into something after being hit.
Someone has a light saber duel (includes just using light saber)
An Ewok dies, and the camera lingers longer than it did when the Death Star exploded, killing billions of people. (Fourteen seconds. Count'em.)
It is Luke's destiny.
Luke whines.
Luke discovers a long-lost relative.
Luke fights monsters or savages.
Luke does some nifty acrobatic flip.
Luke teeters on the brink of a chasm.
Luke is upside-down
Luke and Lando are in the same place at the same time
Twice if they speak to each other
Luke's parentage is Foreshadowed
Luke refuses to take someone's advice
Luke yells "Artooooo!"
Leia insults somebody.
Leia wears an outfit that covers everything except her face and hands
Twice if it covers her neck
Three times if she's almost totally nude
Obi-Wan Kenobi materializes for a guest appearance.
Obi-Wan Kenobi plays detective. ("...Only Imperial Stormtroopers are so precise.")
Han brags about the Millenium Falcon.
Anybody insults the Millenium Falcon.
Something doesn't work on the Falcon
Twice if it's the hyperdrive
Yoda uses bad grammar.
Yoda talks like a fortune cookie.
R2-D2 gets thrashed.
R2-D2 plugs into the wrong socket and his head spins around.
C-3PO loses a body part. (Take two drinks if he is completely dismembered.)
C-3PO informs us of just how many forms of communication he's familiar with
A Rebel pilot is of a race other than white
Twice if they're non human (co-pilots count)
A Rebel Pilot says "Nice Shot..."
A Rebel Pilot says "I've been hit..."
Tarkin brags about the Death Star.
Tomas Davidsson


Herregud, jänkare är sjuka... Stor humor ang. Bajens träningsmatch mot USAs landslag för 3:e året i rad, som alla ändå vet kommer att spelas:

"Matchen, som inte kommer spelas ikväll, kommer inte att starta kl. 19.30. Dvs, det rykte om icke-start kl. 19.00 är alltså fel. Däremot är ryktet om matchstart 19.30 på den match som inte ska spelas ett bättre rykte.

Söderst@dion har en liten förhoppning om att kunna ge sina trogna läsare vissa rapporter från denna icke spelade match." :roll:

Varför mörka en träningsmatch? Varför spelar dom inte i matchtröjor med nummer på? M.m...


Jag KUNG, du KOBOLD...


Weii vågar man åka till hollywood finns fet med lajvare där med...
Puss På Skinkan
Marcus Johansson



"The wind was not the beginning. There are neither beginnings or endings to the turning of the Wheel of Time. But it was a beginning."

Robert Jordan
17/10-48 - 16/9-07


Mmmm, är lite taggad inför årets konvent. Har tänkt att åka på Gotchon, Lincon och Sydcon (Gothcon och Sydcon är ju i princip spikat). Fan vad kul det ska bli. Hoppas vi blir några geddoniter som åker tillsammans i år!
Jag vann combat med 13.


Ja, det ska bli härligt att få komma iväg och spelleda och jobba häcken av sig med Piasava i vanlig ordning.
Piasavan som ALLTID jobbar.



För oss som inte kunde närvara på årsmötet... vad sades?


Som vanligt en hel del bla bla men också en del intressant. Läs det protokoll som snart kommer upp på hemsidan, misstänker jag.  :wink:

Vi har i alla fall fått en ny och bra (tror jag bestämt) styrelse som kommer att göra ett toppenjobb.  :D

/F  8)


får ta mig till gedon och läsa mao... ;-)


Finns det något "senaste datum" som man måste uppdatera sitt skåpskontrakt tro? :)
No expansion without equilibrium
No conquest without control
Pursue success in serenity
and service to the Tau\'va